The power of this kind of exercise is in the way it opens our minds to what “better” might look like if it were possible. Bohannon and her team found that many ideas that seemed impossible at first in the magic-wand meetings later became real improvements and victories. It’s amazing how a vision that fills us with wonder can energize us in finding solutions to practical challenges that might have made it seem impossible at first.
You can use magic-wand questions to kickstart imagination and deepen relationships in all sorts of places. You can ask your spouse or child, “If you could wave a magic wand and make anything happen in the next year, what would it be?” You can ask a potential customer, “If you could wave a magic wand and make this process as perfect as possible, what would that look like?” If you’re looking to grow personally, you can ask a couple people you trust, “If you could wave a magic wand and add or remove a habit of mine, what would it be?”
May this next season be filled with hope and possibility for you. Blessings until next time! -Caleb