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From Our Family to Yours – November 2022


Our newest addition, Annaliese, is two months old now. She’s growing well, and we’re enjoying how talkative she is. She had some serious colic for a few weeks, which was hard because she had a hard time sleeping and screamed constantly when she was awake. She’s been doing better the last couple of weeks, and WE GOT THREE DECENT NIGHTS OF SLEEP IN A ROW last week!

In the past, fear about not earning enough or performing well enough blunted my ability to experience the fullness of fatherhood with my children and many other important aspects of life. I’m grateful for the hard conversations with Hannah and the work that God has done in my life on that front. With Annaliese, I feel the least fearful and the most present I have ever been.

We expanded our family a lot this year since we added two kittens as well earlier this year. The kids really stepped up and took responsibility for their care, and the kittens are thriving.

I asked Ashlinn what character from How to Train Your Dragon I should carve into my pumpkin. She suggested Stormfly first and then said, “but Stormfly has lots of points that might be hard to carve. I think Toothless has a good profile.” I opted for Stormfly, and here’s how it turned out.

The older girls have been participating in Foothill Music Arts for music fundamentals, flute, violin, piano, and choir. It’s amazing to see them growing as they add some consistency and coaching to their natural talent.

We played a lot of rounds of 7 Wonders together during the last month. It’s a fast-paced, light-strategy game that can have up to 7 players and typically takes 45 minutes or so. If you want to check it out, click or tap the picture below:

We are so thankful for you. It is community and relationships that make life rich, and we pray this holiday season brings you treasurable moments with the people around you.

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