We’ve had a lot of fun mixed in with our hard work in the last month.
Our two oldest girls looked so grown up as we sent them to their homeschool prom. I hope they twirl into adulthood with the kind of joy they had on prom night.
I introduced the kids to a comedy combat computer game from my childhood called Worms. Elena and Evangeline totally love it, so it’s yielded a good return for the $6 we invested.
The kids and I took a refreshing and beautiful hike at Big Dalton Canyon on one of our sabbath days. We haven’t been on a hike together in a long time, and even the baby enjoyed it.
Annaliese has had an explosion of new words and phrases lately. She’s taken up saying “thank you” when she gives something to you, and she surprised us recently with “hold this.” She’s been asking us to read to her a lot lately too. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? is currently her favorite. I’m very grateful to celebrate nearly two weeks of brushing her teeth without tears or screaming (hers not mine). 😉
The older girls performed in the LIFE homeschool group production, Finding Nemo Jr. I’m proud of our girls and their mom for their hard work and dedication. Hannah probably spent 15 hours doing hair and makeup for our kids during show week. They all grew their skills, strengthened friendships, and created a wonderful experience for the audience. 🙂
We’re looking forward to a slightly more relaxed pace now that we’re not stacking performing arts practices and preparations on top of our usual endeavors. As always, we are grateful for you, our community.
Blessings until next time!